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Tottori University and Astellas Enter into the Global Exclusive Licensing Agreements for Immunostimulating Gene Loading Oncolytic Virus

It looks still very early phase, but not sure about the clinical materialization whether they need a business partner. We will inform further update if it becomes available. The source of the website, please see:

Tottori and Tokyo, March 6, 2018 – Tottori University (President: Ryota Teshima, “Tottori University”) and Astellas Pharma Inc. (TSE:4503, President and CEO: Yoshihiko Hatanaka, “Astellas”) today announced that they entered into the global exclusive licensing agreements on development/commercialization of immunostimulating gene loading oncolytic virus.

Oncolytic virus exerts antitumor effect on tumor cells by selectively proliferating in them and destroying them. The immunostimulating gene loading oncolytic virus to be covered by these agreements is expected to induce, besides the above antitumor effect, antitumor immunity to tumors not responding to currently available cancer immunotherapies, that is to say, tumors without infiltration of lymphocytes into tumor tissues, through activation of innate immunity and acquired immunity by multiple gene products.

Yasuaki Hirooka, Dean of Faculty of Medicine Tottori University, commented as follows: “On the basis of the results of long-term research supported by MEXT and AMED on oncolytic viruses by Takafumi Nakamura (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Tottori University), progress has been accomplished by collaborative research with Astellas, resulting in the oncolytic virus carrying immunity-enhancement genes that is presented on this occasion. This is the result of Tottori University and Astellas combining their efforts, knowledge and expertise to tackle a highly innovative research, and we hope that the contract will facilitaite progression towards development of innovative cancer treatments. In addition, we hope to continue to make progress with development of new oncolytic viruses by expanding this academic-industrial liaison.”

Kenji Yasukawa, Executive Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer & Chief Commercial Officer, commented as follows: “We are pleased to have concluded the exclusive licensing agreements on immunostimulating gene loading oncolytic virus expected to contribute to innovative cancer immunotherapy. This project is also positioned as a part of Astellas’ challenge to new modalities. Astellas will expand development pipelines in the field of oncology, one of the important franchises that support our sustainable growth.”

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