Privacy Policy

Information Protection Policy

Glorialth understand the importance of personal information protection, and shall comply with laws and regulations, and other norms regarding personal information, and shall strive for appropriate handling and safety management of personal information based on the policy below:

  • 1 Acquisition

    The Glorialth shall notify or disclose the purposes of use when obtaining personal information legally and fairly.

  • 2 Use

    The Glorialth shall use personal information for the purposes of use as notified or disclosed in advance.

  • 3 Provision to a Third Party

    The Glorialth shall not provide personal information to any third party unless either the owner of the personal information agrees or such provision is stipulated by laws and regulations.

  • 4 Management

    The Glorialth shall strive to keep personal information accurate and updated for the purposes of use, and shall take appropriate safety management measures to prevent such information from being accessed illegally, lost, destroyed, modified, or leaked.

  • 5 Handling information

    The Glorialth shall, upon request or inquiry for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, deletion, or any other handling of personal information by the owner of such information, take appropriate measures in accordance with laws and regulations.

  • 6 Information Management

    The Glorialth shall select a manager for personal information protection, who will provide training to employees handling personal information and supervise such training appropriately to conduct thoroughgoing personal information protection.

  • 7 Continuous Revision

    The Glorialth shall review this policy as needed and continuously revise it to promote the appropriate handling of personal information.

Important Matters

  • 1 Handling Organization


  • 2 Purposes of Use

    For the purposes of use of personal information obtained by the Glorialth and personal data retained by the Glorialth, please click here for more details

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