Our Mission

Strategy and Partnering for Healthcare Business/R&D

We Envision Your Success

Throughout envisioning your business success in life-science and healthcare, *GloriaLTH serve advisory to introduce your innovative products and business breakthrough from the world into Japan society. Especially, we will make the best match of R&D partner(s) with Japanese organizations and experts to realize your business success in Japan under your long-term global vision.

More specifically, Glorialth will:

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    For the innovators worldwide, we take positions with your new technology in bio- and health-sciences, share Japanese authority’s guidance, and advice the best way of developing your values in Japan

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    For the investors worldwide, who are looking for business development or acquisition in Japan, we provide due-diligence efforts and opportunities to meet your potential business partners in Japan and government officials. You can then establish the superiority of your business or acquisition strategy more efficiently

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    For the life-science experts worldwide, who are looking for information and advisory of new drug and precision medicine development in Japan, we search for your inquiry, advice you with scientific evidence and potential values

*GloriaLTH = Gloria + HEALTH

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