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Ino Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. signed a drug discovery alliance agreement with Merus of the Netherlands

It seems to aim for the development of bispecific antibodies as post-opsvo. For details, refer to the following URL.

March 14, 2018

To what
degree Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Signed drug discovery alliance agreement with Merus of the Netherlands

Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi; President: Akira Sagara), Merus NV Inc. (Utrecht City, Netherlands; Ton Logtenberg, Ph.D., hereinafter Merus) , We have announced that we have concluded a drug discovery alliance agreement aimed at creating bispecific antibodies that will be candidates for therapeutic drugs in the field of self – immune disease.

In April 2014, the company and Merus have entered into the first drug discovery alliance agreement to jointly create bispecific antibodies to be candidates for therapeutic agents in the autoimmune disease area, and in 2016 One bispecific antibody created based on the alliance is selected as a development candidate compound. At this time, we exercised the option right stipulated in the contract and concluded a new drug alliance agreement.

With this contract signing, the Company will pay a lump-sum payment to Merus and provide research funding during the partnership period. In addition, we will pay Merus a royalty fee rate of mid-single digit according to sales, when milestone according to the progress of R & D or products launched from this alliance are launched. We have the right to exclusively develop, manufacture and sell antibodies produced by this alliance worldwide.

“Ono Pharmaceuticals highly appreciates the technology possessed by Merus that creates a full-length bispecific antibody therapeutic agent for human beings,” said Dr. Noda Hiroyuki, Executive Officer’s research headquarter manager. We hope that this will lead to the creation of next-generation pharmaceuticals with high utility in the autoimmune disease area. ”

Ter Logtenberg, Chief Executive Officer of Merus, said, “Merus is working to strengthen its innovative candidate drug candidate pipeline in the oncology field, while it seems like this alliance with Ono Pharmaceutical We are very pleased to work with Merus’s Biclonics® drug discovery platform in collaboration with partners to create therapeutic drugs in other diseased areas that are not yet fully satisfied. ” I will.

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